This is the transcript for "We're All Fruit Salad!: The Wiggles' Greatest Hits".
(The video starts with an instrumental version of Hot Potato plays as the title card spins & transition to every wiggle introducing themselves by voice, beginning with Greg Wiggle.)
Greg: Hello, I'm Greg.
(Shot transition to Murray Wiggle.)
Murray: I'm Murray.
(Shot transition to Jeff Wiggle.)
Jeff: I'm Jeff.
(Shot transition to Sam Wiggle.)
Sam: I'm Sam.
(Transition to Emma Wiggle.)
Emma: I'm Emma.
(Shot transition to Lachy Wiggle.)
Lachy: I'm Lachy.
(Shot transition to Simon Wiggle.)
Simon: I'm Simon.
(Shot transition to Anthony Wiggle.)
Anthony: I'm Anthony and we're... (with others.) The Wiggles!
(The title card shows up, until the song: We're All Fruit Salad! A scene where all of the Wiggles & friends including the other people are singing a song about fruit salad.)
All: (singing) Fruit salad, yummy yummy
(Richie Allan plays a didgeridoo.)
And we're all fruit salad
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
And we're all fruit salad
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
James Harkness: (singing) I was dreaming that we're all fruit salad
Lachy: (singing) All the colours of the rainbow and the bowl was the world
James Harkness: (singing) It's not just one fruit that makes a fruit salad
Lachy, Emma & Simon: (singing) it takes all different kinds of fruit to make a perfect bowl
All: (singing) And we're all fruit salad
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
And we're all fruit salad
Yummy, yummy
We're all in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
Victor Valdes: (singing) Yo soñé que quieremos todos ensalada
Lachy: (singing) All the colours of the rainbow, and the bowl was the world
James Harkness: (singing) It's not just one fruit, that makes a fruit salad
It takes all different kinds of fruit
Simon: (singing) to make a perfect bowl
All: (singing) And we're all fruit salad (Fruit salad)
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
And we're all fruit salad (Fruit salad)
Yummy, yummy
We're all in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
Colours of the world should be
Side by side in harmony
We are all together and together can be so much fun
Colours of the world should be
Hand and hand in harmony
We are all together and together can be so much fun
"Fruit Salad, yummy yummy
Fruit salad, yummy yummy
Fruit salad, yummy yummy!
Yummy yummy yummy yummy fruit salad
And we're all fruit salad (Fruit Salad)
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
And we're all fruit salad (Fruit Salad)
Yummy, yummy
We're all in the same bowl
Fruit salad, Yummy yummy.
(The title card is shown. Until, opening camera transition to the song: Get Ready To Wiggle. A scene where Jeff plays the keyboard, Anthony plays the snare drum, Murray plays the black Fender Stratocaster electric guitar and Greg starts dancing as the song title appears on the bottom of the screen.)
Anthony: Okay everybody! Loosen up! Let's get ready to wiggle!
Greg: (singing) Get ready to wiggle, we've been ready for so long
Get ready to wiggle, when you wiggle, you can't go wrong
Get ready to wiggle, wiggling will make you big and strong
Get ready to wiggle, c'mon, wiggle to this song, wiggle to this song
Wiggles: (singing) Ba-da-ba-ba
Anthony: It's Wiggle Time!
Greg: (singing) Now, we're ready to wiggle, wiggle your fingers high in the sky
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose
We're ready to wiggle, wiggle all ten toes.
Anthony: Wiggle your toes.
Greg: (singing) Wiggle all ten toes.
Anthony: Big jump now!
Wiggles: Ba-da-ba-ba-bada
Anthony: One more jump!
Wiggles: Ba-da-ba-ba-bada
Greg: (singing) We can wiggle
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) And wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) Wiggle at home without a care. Wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) And wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) Wiggle on your own or with teddy bear. Wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) And wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea. Wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) And wiggle,
Wiggles: Whoo!
Greg: (singing) Wiggle along with me, wiggle along with me.
Wiggles: (singing) Ba-da-ba-ba
Anthony: Hey, keep on wiggling now!
Wiggles: (singing) Ba-da-ba-ba
Anthony: Don't stop!
Wiggles: (singing) Ba-da-ba-ba
Anthony: Wiggle
Anthony: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Oh ho ho no ho ho ho ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: Do the Propeller!. A scene where Anthony plays his little drum, while The Wiggles are holding their flags & wearing top hats for the song.)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all clapping.)
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're going down and down and down and down
Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where Anthony & Captain Feathersword are helping with their arms to make it propellers & the other scene where Jeff is looking at Anthony that he saw a little drum playing.)
Wiggles: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Simon: (singing) We're down da-da down down da down down down
Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(The Wiggles' 30 years purple disc spinning transition to the song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear, while the kids is gonna do the actions & sing the song.)
Greg: (singing while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
(A scene fades in to a bear is on the stroller chair.)
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
(Fruit falling transition to the song: I've Got My Glasses On! A scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are wearing glasses, so they could see better.)
Emma: Now what do you look through to see clearly? Help me, guys!
Anthony: Glasses.
Lachy: Spectacles.
Simon: Prescription sunglasses.
Paul: Bifocals.
Lachy: Goggles.
Simon: Monocle.
Emma: (singing) I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Lachy: (singing) I can see the leaves on the tree
(backing vocals: Leaves on the tree)
Lachy: (singing) With my glasses on
(backing vocals: With my glasses on)
Emma: (singing) A butterfly
(backing vocals: Fly)
Emma: (singing) or birds in the sky
(backing vocals: Sky)
Emma: (singing) I want to tell you that I, I, I, I, I
I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I got my glasses on)
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on, and on, and on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Emma: (singing) I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Lachy: (singing) Detail of the ants antennae
(backing vocals: ant's antennae)
Lachy: (singing) With my glasses on
(backing vocals: With my glasses on)
Simon: (singing) Little baby's toes
(backing vocals: Toes)
Simon: (singing) or a circus show
(backing vocals: Show)
Simon: (singing) I've got my glasses on, on, on, on, I
I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clearly)
Simon: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Anthony: (singing) Who got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We got the glasses
Wiggles: (singing) You've got the glasses on and on and on and on
Anthony: (singing) Who got the glasses?
Simon: (singing) We got the glasses
Lachy: (singing) We got the glasses on
Emma: There are lots of different types of glasses and words to describe them. Tell us, guys.
Anthony: Sporty
Lachy: UV protection.
Simon: Designer.
Paul: Brackets.
Lachy: Groovy.
Emma: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses
Emma: (singing) You've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on and on and on
Emma: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses
Emma: (singing) You've got the glasses on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on, and on, and on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Emma and Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses on
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Hot Potato.)
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti
John the Cook: (He's singing in a high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (He's singing in a low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
John the Cook: (He's singing in a high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (He's singing in a low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana, banana, banana
John the Cook: (He's singing in a high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (He's singing in a low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
John the Cook: (He's singing in a high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (He's singing in a low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
(A scene that Captain Feathersword was so shocked that there are no potatoes left in this bowl. Then, The Wiggles' 30 years red disc spinning transition to the song: Say the Dance, Do the Dance. A scene where Captain Feathersword, The Male Wiggles are on the ocean, while Emma is gonna dance after they say the type of dances.)
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)
Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance
The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?
Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the whirly bird?)
Emma: (singing) I can do the whirlybird
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the whirly, whirly bird?)
Emma: (singing) Watch me do the whirly bird
(with The Male Wiggles singing) The whirly bird
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you stand like a statue?)
Emma: (singing) I can stand like a statue
The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you stand as still, as still as a statue?)
Emma: (singing) Watch me stand like a statue,
(with The Male Wiggles singing) as still as a statue
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)
Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance
The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?
Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)
Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the belt, the belt buckle shine?)
Emma: (singing) I love the belt buckle shine
(with The Male Wiggles singing) The belt buckle shine
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)
Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance
The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?
Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The whirly bird)
Emma: (singing) The whirlybird
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)
Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The whirly bird)
Emma: (singing) The whirlybird
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)
Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) We're saying the dance)
Emma: (singing) You're saying the dance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) You're doing the dance)
Emma: (singing) I'm doing the dance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) We're saying the dance)
Emma: (singing) We're saying the dance
(The Male Wiggles: (singing) You're doing the dance)
Emma: (singing) I'm doing the dance
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. A scene where The Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car having a wonderful time & they could toot, toot, chugga, chugga again before they headed back home.)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.
Playing his guitar.
Murray's in the back seat
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Of the Big Red Car.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.
He's having a little rest
We better wake him up
so let's all
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.
He's got so much food.
He's eating apples and oranges
(with the other Wiggles singing.) And fruit salad too!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Of the Big Red Car!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
(After the song, as they wave to the camera since the Big Red Car will go up the hill. Until, The Wiggles' 30 years purple disc spinning transition to the song: Getting Strong! A scene where Wags, Jeff & Anthony are running on a spot.)
Anthony: Let's start running, everybody.
Sam: (singing) Running on the spot, run, run, run
Anthony: He-hey, this is fun.
Sam: (singing) Running on the spot, run, run, run
Anthony: Hey, it's time to feel strong!
Sam: (singing) Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
(Anthony: Hey, that's right. Getting strong, right.)
Sam: (singing) Getting strong, getting strong
(Anthony: Getting strong.)
Sam: (singing) Getting strong
Jeff: OK, let's try jumping.
Dorothy: (singing) Jumping up and down, jump, jump, jump
Anthony: Whoo!
Dorothy: (singing) Jumping up and down, jump, jump, jump
Jeff: Jump like a kangaroo.
Dorothy: (singing) Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
(Jeff: Yes, strong, stronger. Yeah!)
Dorothy: (singing) Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong
Anthony: How about skipping?
Sam: (singing) Skipping with a rope, skip, skip, skip
Anthony: (He's chuckling) Skipping.
Sam: (singing) Skipping with a rope, skip, skip, skip
Anthony: I like this.
Sam: (singing) Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
(Anthony: I'm getting strong. Yes, I'm really doing that. I'm getting strong. Yeah.)
Sam: (singing) Getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
Getting strong, getting strong
(Anthony: Oh, I'm getting strong. Yes, wow, yeah! This is fun!)
Sam: (singing) Getting strong
(4 coloured skivvies sliding transition to the song: Fruit Salad.)
The Wiggles & Kids: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Greg: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad! Let's make some fruit salad today.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) It's fun to do it the healthy way.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) Take all the fruit that you want to eat.
It's gonna be a fruit salad treat!
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The first step.
Greg: (singing) Peel your bananas.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The second step.
Greg: (singing) Toss in some grapes.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The third step.
Greg: (singing) Chop up some apples.
Chop up some melons, and put them on your plate.
Now we've made it, it's time to eat it.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) It tastes so good that you just can't beat it.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) Give everyone a plate and a spoon.
We'll all be eating it very soon!
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The first step.
Greg: (singing) Eat up the banana.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The second step.
Greg: (singing) Eat up some grapes.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) The third step
Greg: (singing) Eat up some apples.
Eat the melons, now there's nothing on your plate!
Now we've had our fruit salad today.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) It's time to put the scraps away.
Anthony, Murray, & Jeff: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!
Greg: (singing) Wash the bowls and wash the spoon.
Let's do it all again real soon!
The Wiggles & Kids: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Greg: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!
The Wiggles & Kids: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!
(Fruit falling transition to the song: Apples & Bananas. A scene where Emma, Simon & Lachy are singing a song about apples & bananas in a different vowels. While, Lachy, Anthony & Simon are eating apples & bananas.)
Emma: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
Oh I like to ate, ate, ate
Ayples and banaynays
I like to ate, ate, ate
Ayples and banaynays
Simon: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat
Eeples and beneenees
I like to eat, eat, eat
Eeples and beneenees
Oh I like to ite, ite, ite
Iples and bininis
I like to ite, ite, ite
Iples and bininis
Lachy: (singing) I like to ote, ote, ote
Oaples and bononos
I like to ote, ote, ote
Oaples and bononos
I like to ute, ute, ute
Uuples and bununus
I like to ute, ute, ute
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) Uuples and bununus
(The Wiggles' 30 years red disc spinning transition to the song: Here Come The Wiggles. A scene where The Wiggles were so excited about our friends are coming with their dancers.)
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Well here we are, well here we are
Simon: (singing) Get ready for the show.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Well here we are, well here we are
Simon: (singing) Some friends that you all know.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) We'd like you to clap and sing and dance along too.
Simon: (singing) So let’s get ready to have some fun 'cause our friends will dance with you.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Henry, here comes Henry
Lachy: (singing) Dancing with a twirl.
Henry: Euurgh!
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Henry, here comes Henry
Lachy: (singing) From his underwater world.
Henry: Hello, everybody! It's lovely to be here.
Lachy: (singing) Well, now here comes another friend, so let's all give a cheer.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Dorothy, here comes Dorothy
Emma: (singing) Munching on a rose
Dorothy: (She's giggling.)
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Dorothy, here comes Dorothy
Emma (singing): Dancing everywhere she goes
Dorothy: Hello, everybody! It's lovely to be here.
Emma: (singing) Well, now here comes another friend, so let's all give a cheer.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes the Captain, here comes the Captain
Simon: (singing) Tickling everyone.
Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho-ho!
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes the Captain, here comes the Captain.
Simon: (singing) The fun has just begun.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there me hearties! It's lovely to be here!
Simon: (singing) Well, here comes another friend, so let's all give a cheer.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Wagsy, here comes Wagsy.
Lachy: (singing) Running around the park.
Wags: Ruff!
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Wagsy, here come Wagsy.
Lachy: (singing) Listen to him bark.
Wags: Ruff, ruff-ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff-ruff, arrooo.
Lachy: (singing) Well, now here comes another friend, so let's all give a cheer.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Shirley Shawn, here comes Shirley Shawn.
Emma: (singing) Our scrumptious Wiggly friend.
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) Here comes Shirley Shawn, here comes Shirley Shawn.
Lachy: (singing) Watch those elbows bend.
Shirley Shawn: Scrumptious!
Emma: (singing) Now let's all get ready to dance 'cause everybody's here.
Anthony: (He's calling through his megaphone.) Come on, everybody, have a dance with Dorothy, Wags, Captain, Henry and Shirley Shawn the Unicorn. (Emma, Lachy, Simon and their friends dance during a musical break.) This is fun. And now everybody, clap your hands and dance!
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) It's the Wiggles, it's the Wiggles
Simon & Lachy: (singing) Dancing with their friends
Emma, Lachy & Simon: (singing) It's the Wiggles, it's the Wiggles
The fun will never end
We'd like you to clap and sing and dance along too.
Now that everybody's here
That'll be so easy, that'll be so easy, that'll be so easy to do.
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Dorothy the Dinosaur.)
Anthony: This is a story of a very friendly dinosaur named Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Greg: (singing) I was looking out my window late the other night
She was sitting in the garden and gave me such a fright
Eating all mum's roses there in the moonlight
It was Dorothy the Dinosaur
I knew that if Mum saw her, She'd never let her stay
A dinosaur as big as that needs feeding night and day
I'd have to find a place where I could hide her away
Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Mmm, roses good!
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: I like it here! (She giggles.)
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Chomp
Greg: (singing) I knew that she was so big that she'd soon be found
My mother called the dog catcher, he came around
When he laid his eyes on her, he fell to the ground
Luke: (singing) Now I take it, that's Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: I'm so hungry.
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Can I try some roses in the backyard now? (She giggles.)
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Chomp
Greg: (singing) They called up the police to take her right away
They called up the zoo to find a place to stay
I said they couldn't take her, I said
Wiggles: (singing) No way!
Greg: (singing) That's Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy: That's me.
Wiggles (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Oh, my stomach hurts and I'm still hungry.
Wiggles (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Oh, these roses sure are good.
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Chomp
Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Oh, my stomach!
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Dorothy: Oh, I think I can pick some more roses here.
Wiggles: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, Romp Bomp a Chomp
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur
Wiggles: (singing) Chomp
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?) A scene where Greg & the kids are gonna have a dance. While, Anthony is playing a drum set, Murray is playing his electric guitar & Jeff is playing his keyboard.)
Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Well, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Well, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you stand on one feet and shake your hands?
Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
(with the other Wiggles singing.) Now, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
(When the song ends, 4 coloured skivvies sliding transition to the song: Who's in the Wiggle House? A scene where Lachy pops up & waves to the viewers, while looking to show how Wigglehouse looks.)
Lachy: (singing) Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House today?
Emma's in the Wiggle House
Emma: (singing) I'm in the Wiggle House!
Putting all my bows away!
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House today?
Simon's in the Wiggle House
Simon: (singing) I'm in the Wiggle House!
Playing Simon Says all day!
Emma: (singing) There's Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Dorothy: Hello!
Lachy: (singing) There's Wags the Dog!
Wags: Ruff!
Simon: (singing) Henry the Octopus!
(with Emma singing.) And don't forget the Captain!
Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo!
Simon: (singing) Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House today?
Lachy's in the Wiggle House
Lachy: (singing) I'm in the Wiggle House
Sleeping the day away!
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House?
Who's in the Wiggle House today?
Anthony's in the Wiggle House
Anthony: (singing) Yeah, I'm in the Wiggle House
Eating fruit salad all day!
Emma: (singing) There's Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Dorothy: (giggles.) Heeee
Lachy: (singing) There's Wags the Dog!
Wags: Ruff!
Simon: (singing) Henry the Octopus!
(with Emma, Lachy & Anthony singing.) Don't forget the Captain!
Captain Feathersword: Woh ho ho ho!
Wiggles: (singing) We're in the Wiggle House
We're in the Wiggle House
We're in the Wiggle House today!
We're in the Wiggle House
We're in the Wiggle House
You're invited here everyday!
(Fruit falling transition to the song: Hey, Wags! A scene where Wags is gonna dance with The Wiggles to do the Scritchy Scratchy Flea Fly Dance.)
(Wags barks.)
Simon: (singing) Hey, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Hey, Wags!)
Simon: (singing) Woah, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Woah, Wags!)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
Simon: (singing) Hey, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Hey, Wags!)
Simon: (singing) Woah, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Woah, Wags!)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
Emma: (singing) Flea, fly, flow, flow, fum fum fum
Lachy: (singing) His name is Wags and here he comes!
Simon: (singing) Hey, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Hey, Wags!)
Simon: (singing) Woah, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Woah, Wags!)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
Simon: (singing) Hey, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Hey, Wags!)
Simon: (singing) Woah, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Woah, Wags!)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
Emma: (singing) Waggy, waggy, wiggy, wiggy, waggy woo!
Lachy: (singing) Wiggle it, doggy, we love you!
Simon: (singing) Hey, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Hey, Wags!)
Simon: (singing) Woah, Wags!
(Lachy & Emma: (singing) Woah, Wags!)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
Simon: (singing) Do the Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly...
Wiggles: (singing) The Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly...
Scritchy Scratchy, Flea Fly Dance!
(Wags barks.)
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: The Monkey Dance. A scene where the kids & Greg are having an animal dance. When, Murray, Jeff & Anthony are playing their instruments.)
Greg: Here's some of our favourite animals. Let's move like them. Here we go.
(singing) Do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Monkey, monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
That's alright
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the elephant
Do the elephant
Do the elephant
That's alright
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah!)
That's alright.
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the tiger,
Do the tiger,
Tiger, tiger,
That's alright.
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah!)
That's alright.
Now do the monkey.
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Monkey, monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
That's alright
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the elephant
Do the elephant
The tiger, tiger.
(The Wiggles' 30 years purple disc spinning transition to the song: Wake Up, Lachy! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are gonna wake Lachy up, while Lachy's sleeping in Clovelly Cliffs.)
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Lachy before the day's through.
Simon: What's that sound? I can hear somebody snoring.
What's that sound? It's not Emma or Simon.
Anthony's awake so let's have another guess now.
Oh my goodness! It must be Lachy!
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Lachy before the day's through.
(Guitar solo for an instrumental break, while Lachy's snoring.)
Simon: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur is munching on some roses.
Wags the Dog is digging up bones.
Henry the Octopus is dancing round in circles.
Wake Up Lachy! We need you for the show!
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Lachy!
Emma: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Lachy before the day's through.
Lachy: (He's waking up.) Would you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep.
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: Emma's Theme. A scene where Emma is in her different montage clips of Series 1 & 2. While, Lachy singing offscreen could tell her name.)
Lachy: (singing) She's the girl with the bow in her hair
Everybody put your hands in the hair
And sing E, M, M, A
E, M, M, A
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Food Food Food (Oh How I Love My Food).)
Greg: (singing) Banana, potato, some fruit from the fridge
Tomato, sultana, a bowl of porridge
Raw melon, pineapple, rhubarb in a dish
A lemon we squeeze on a fish.
Spaghetti, I'm ready for a big piece of cheese.
Some fruit cake with custard. May I have more, please?
An apple, a paw-paw, and red strawberries
Roast chicken, fish fingers and cream and jelly.
Food, food, food, all I need is some food.
(Foodman flies over the group.)
Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.
Baked beans on toast with corn for crunch.
Eggs that are scrambled with bacon for lunch.
Yogurt and muesli to chew and to munch.
And carrot and peas and a broccoli bunch.
Food, food, food, all I need is some food.
Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.
A big pie, a burger, a vegetable quiche
With parsley on top and an orange to squeeze.
Rice cakes and biscuits and soft mandarin.
Sponges and muffins with a cherry thrown in.
Food, food, food, all I need is some food.
Wiggles: Fruit Salad!
Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.
Wiggles: Hot Potato!
Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, all I need is some food.
Wiggles: Cold Spaghetti!
Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.
Wiggles: Mashed banana!
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: Follow The Leader. A scene where The Other Wiggles are playing their instruments. While, Sam, Murray, Lyn & Caterina dressed up in their cowboy outfit. Then, Anthony, Dorothy & 2 ballet dancers. Finally, Captain Feathersword & his pirate crew are playing a game called "Follow The Leader".)
Sam: (singing) Follow the leader
Do as I do
When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Do as you do
Sam: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you
Try this, try that, try this, try that
Dorothy: (singing) Follow the leader
(She giggles.) Do as I do
When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Do as you do
Dorothy: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you
Try this, try that, try this, try that
(She giggles.)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Follow the leader
Do as I do
When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Do as you do
Captain Feathersword: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you
Sam: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
(with the Other Wiggles singing.) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Dorothy: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
(She giggles.)
(The Wiggles Logo in the middle with 4 coloured skivvies in a 4 rectangle changing coloured background transition to the song: Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack).)
Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword fell asleep on his pirate ship
Then he woke up on a farm
(Captain Feathersword: Oh my goodness me!)
Greg: (singing) With roosters and ducks singing this song
(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo
Greg: (singing) So now every day when he talks,
this is what he says
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance
And you can do it too
(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo
Greg: (singing) Well, is he a rooster
Anthony: or a pirate?
Captain Feathersword: Well, I just don't know
Ahoy there, ahoy there
Ahoy cock-a-doodley there.
Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance
And you can do it too.
(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo
(They were all singing around in a circle, except Captain Feathersword.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack
Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo
(The Wiggles' 30 years red disc spinning transition to the song: Simon Says. A scene where Simon introduced Uncle Simon Burke could play a game called "Simon Says", while everybody gets to do the actions.)
All: (singing) Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
Simon: Hey, it's time to play Simon Says with Simon and Uncle Simon Burke.
All: (singing) Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh ooh.
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh ooh.
Simon: (singing) Simon Says
Put your hands on your knees
Simon Burke: (singing) Simon Says
Put your hands on your hips
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon Burke: (singing) Simon Says
Put your hands on your cheeks
Simon: (singing) Simon Says
Put your hands on your chin
Simon Burke: (singing) Put your hands on your nose
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon: Uncle Simon says...
Simon Burke: Let's dance!
All: (singing) Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh ooh.
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh ooh.
Simon: (singing) Simon Says
Put your hands on your shoulders
Simon Burke: (singing) Simon says
Put your hands on your ears
Simon: (singing) Put your hands
(with Simon Burke singing.) above your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon: Well, that was Simon Says with Simon...
Simon Burke: And Uncle Simon Burke. (with Simon.) Thanks for playing.
All: (singing) Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
Simon, Simon
Simon says, Simon says.
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Wiggle Bay. A scene where The Wiggly Group are rowing a boat.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho, ho, land ahoy me hearties!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)
Dorothy: (giggles) He hee hee!
Greg: (singing) Just a few waves
Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
Greg: (singing) and we'll be on our way.
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoa ho, oh it's a lovely
Whoo hoo Wiggly holiday
Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
Greg: (singing) There is sand, sea, surf
And lots of friends
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh, you can dig for buried treasure
The fun it never ends, whoa ho!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)
Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I love that Wiggle Bay!
Greg: (singing) Just a few waves and we'll be on our way.
(The Wiggly Dancers are waving to The Wiggles hello cause they are coming to Wiggle Bay.)
You'll see gulls and trees
And feel the breeze
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoo hoo hoo, oh ho, feel, feeling in that sand
And let the waves touch your knees
Whoa hoa!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)
Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
Greg: (singing) Just a few waves
And we'll be on our way
Captain Feathersword: Oh yes indeed, we're gonna be on our way
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)
Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I can't wait
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)
Captain Feathersword: Oh I love Wiggle Bay!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)
Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo!
Henry: (The boat stopped at Wiggly Bay since they're here.) Whoa! We finally arrived.
(The Wiggles Logo in the middle with 4 coloured skivvies in a 4 rectangle changing coloured background transition to the song: Romp Bomp A Stomp. A scene where The Wiggles & their kids are teaching Dorothy how to do her favourite dance.)
Dorothy: Come on, everybody, dance.
Greg: (singing) Well, you push your arms up in the air from side to side
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Greg: (singing) Then the next thing we do is sing Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp-Bomp-A-Chomp)
Greg: (singing) Then you stamp your feet and we're doing the Romp Bomp A Stomp
Dorothy: Come on, everybody.
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)
Dorothy: This is fun.
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)
Greg: (singing) Well, it's Dorothy's dance and we're doing the
Romp Bomp A Stomp
Dorothy: Keep dancing.
Greg: (singing) Well, you push your arms up in the air from side to side
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Greg: (singing) Then the next thing we do is sing Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp-Bomp-A-Chomp)
Greg: (singing) Then you stamp your feet and we're doing the
Romp Bomp A Stomp
Dorothy: Come on, everybody.
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)
Dorothy: This is fun.
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)
Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp
(Murray, Anthony and Jeff: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)
Dorothy: Let's dance.
Greg: (singing) Yes, it's Dorothy's dance and we're doing the
Romp Bomp A Stomp
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(The Wiggles' 30 years purple disc spinning transition to the song: Lachy! A scene where Lachy is in his different montage clips from the video & TV Series.)
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
Lachy: (singing) Curlylocks flying in the air
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
Lachy: (singing) Riding Ponso Pony everywhere
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song:The Handwashing Song. A scene where Sue Jo Wright & Emma are doing some sign language in AUSLAN with our hands. A scene where people have to wash their hands at least 20 seconds.)
Simon: (singing) Before you eat food
Emma: (singing) After you play with animals
Lachy: (singing) And after you use the toilet
Wiggles: (singing) Wash your hands
Wet your hands
Use liquid soap
Lather your hands
And rub them round
Emma: (singing) And count to twenty... ready?
Wiggles: (singing) 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15, 16
17, 18, 19, 20
Wiggles: (singing) Rinse your hands,
Towel or air them dry
Turn off the tap
With a towel or your sleeve
Emma: (singing) Now your hands are clean.
Wiggles: (singing) Wet your hands
Use liquid soap
Lather your hands
And rub them round
Emma: (singing) And count to twenty... ready?
Wiggles: (singing) 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15, 16
17, 18, 19, 20
Wiggles: (singing) Rinse your hands,
Towel or air them dry
Turn off the tap
With a towel or your sleeve
Emma: (singing) Now your hands are clean.
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Anthony's Workshop. A scene where Joseph is gonna see happened at his workshop in the arts and crafts room. While, Anthony puts on an apron, when The Wiggly Friends are painting or making something.)
Anthony: Hi, everyone, welcome to Anthony's workshop
Make yourself at home and don't forget you might need and apron
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Come on, everybody, let's make something
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) Where everybody is ha-a-ppy
Anthony: I hope so
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a working bee
Greg: (singing) You can make anything that you want to
A collage or a montage, too
You can try a painting
Anthony: You'll need an apron too
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a working bee
Anthony: Now what would you like to do today?
Oh, okay, yep, we can do that
We can do that too
Ha ha, we can do anything in Anthony's workshop
Come on, everyone.
Greg: (singing) You can do things with water
With feathers
With sand an clay as well
You can try a mosaic
Anthony: You might need an apron too
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Hi, everyone, let's make something
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) Where everybody is ha-a-ppy
Anthony: Whoo-whee!
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a working bee
(The Wiggles' 30 years red disc spinning transition to the song: I Went To The Library. A scene where Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are gonna pick their favourite books at the library.)
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Book, book, book, book, book, huh
Simon: (singing) I went to the library and got me a book
I went to the library and got me a book
And when I read that book I learned how to cook
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Cook, cook, cook, cook, cook, huh
Emma: (singing) I went to the library. I got me a book
I went to the library. I got me a book
Well, that book was quaint, now I learned how to paint
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Paint, paint, paint, paint, paint, huh
Lachy: (singing) I went to the library and got me a book
I went to the library and got me a book
Well, I beg your pardon, I learned how to garden
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Garden, garden, garden, garden, garden
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Went to the library. I got me a book
I went to the library. I got me a book
When, it sure was ace I learned about space
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Space, space, space, space, space, huh
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur). A scene where these 2 kids are talking about our favourite friend, while Dorothy holding those roses as she giggles.)
Greg: (singing) Who's that in the garden eating all our red, red roses?
Trina & Allison: It's Dorothy!
(Dorothy: That's me.)
Greg: (singing) She wears a floppy white hat and yellow spots galore.
Well, look at those big green paws
(Trina & Allison: Wow!)
She's a very friendly dinosaur.
(Dorothy: Hello, everybody.)
Trina & Allison: Whoa
(with Wiggles singing.) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. Dorothy the Dinosaur
D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. She's my favourite dinosaur
Greg: (singing) Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp, hey! Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp, hey!
Dorothy: Here I come.
Greg: (singing) She's a really friendly dinosaur, she works so hard in the garden
Dorothy: Roses good.
Greg: (singing) She pulls out all the leaves, plants more roses and she mows the lawn
Dorothy: Here I come again.
Greg: (singing) When the music starts, she dances on the floor
She's a really groovy dinosaur
(Dorothy: I'm so groovy.)
Trina & Allison: Whoa
(with Wiggles singing.) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. Dorothy the Dinosaur
D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. She's my favourite dinosaur
Greg: (singing) Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp, hey! Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp, hey!
(Dorothy giggles, until these kids are coming up to have a dance.)
Trina, Allison & Wiggles: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. Dorothy the Dinosaur
D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. She's my favourite dinosaur
D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. Dorothy the Dinosaur
(Fruit falling transition to the song: The Wonder of Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles talking about looking something's wrong here in opposite day at Wiggle Town.)
Wiggles: (a-capella) Wiggle T-T-Town, Wiggle-T-T-Town
Wiggle T-T-Town, Wiggle T-T-Town (x2)
Lachy: (singing) In Wiggle Town, there lives a clown
And his smile looks like a frown and it's upside down
Lachy: (singing) The kittens hide, the mice all hunt
The spoons are sharp, the knives are blunt
It's back to front
Lachy: (singing, while The Awake Wiggles vocalizing.) The dog's meow, the lion's tweet
The sugar's sour, the salt tastes sweet
The rocks are soft, the pillows hard
The shepherds sleep, the sheep stand guard
Back to front, front to back
And upside down, whooooa
That's the wonder of Wiggle Town
Oh, ba da da da da
In Wiggle Town, the young are old
The milk is hot, the tea is cold
The wise are fools
Straight lines are bent, a square is round
The loudest bells don't make a sound
(voice: Shh)
There are no rules
Lachy: (singing, while The Awake Wiggles vocalizing.) The short are tall, the tall are short
The fishes fish, the men get caught
The food is wet, the water's dry
The tearful laugh, the happy sigh
Back to front, front to back
And upside down, whooooa
That's the wonder of Wiggle Town
Oh, that's the wonder of Wiggle Town
That's the wonder of Wiggle Town
Wiggles: (a-capella) Wiggle T-T-Town, Wiggle-T-T-Town
Wiggle T-T-Town, Wiggle T-T-Town (x4)
(The Wiggles' 30 years red disc spinning transition to the song: Go Santa Go. A scene where Santa is on a sleigh ride pulling their reindeer. While, The Wiggly Group are having a dance.)
Santa: ("Ho, ho, ho, here I go! Ho, ho, ho ho!")
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) get ready
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go
Greg: (singing) And away you go,
Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Ho, ho, ho! Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!"
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) all the way from the North Pole
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) through the jungles
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) through the desert
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go
Greg: (singing) through the winter snow
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Here I go! Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho!"
Greg: (singing) Long white beard with a face so happy and cheerful!
Santa: "C'mon, Rudolph, fast as you can!
We've got presents here for everyone in the land! Ho, ho!"
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go
Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go
Greg: (singing) get ready
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go
Greg: (singing) And away you go,
Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,
Greg: (singing) go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!
Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!"
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Here Come The Reindeer. A scene where Captain Feathersword, elves, reindeer & The Wiggles are getting ready to have a dance for Santa, coming to do the reindeer actions.)
Greg: (singing) Here come the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here come the reindeer
Greg: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
Greg: (singing) Pulling the sleigh with Santa and the presents too
Here come the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here come the reindeer
Greg: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
Greg: (singing) Flying through the night to bring Christmas joy to you
Belt buckle's shining
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Belt buckle's shining
Greg: (singing) Santa Claus is smiling
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Santa Claus is smiling
Greg: (singing) This can be the best time of the year
So everybody give a great big cheer
Let's hear it for the reindeer
(with The Other Wiggles singing.) 'Cause the reindeer are coming
So is Santa too
Greg: (singing) Here come the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here come the reindeer
Greg: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
Greg: (singing) Pulling the sleigh with Santa and the presents too
Here come the reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here come the reindeer
Greg: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Santa's friendly reindeer
Greg: (singing) Flying through the night to bring Christmas joy to you
Clear out the chimney
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Clear out the chimney
Greg: (singing) Hang your Christmas stocking
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hang your Christmas stocking
Greg: (singing) Go to bed and make a wish that might come true
Well, everybody sing ho-ho-ho
And get ready 'cause here we go
(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Here come the reindeer
Here comes Santa too
(A scene where they get to meet Santa with reindeer pulling his sleigh at the end.)
Here come the reindeer
Here comes Santa too
Here come the reindeer
Here comes Santa too
(The Wiggles' 30 years purple disc spinning transition to the song: Henry's Christmas Merengue. A scene where The Wiggles are gonna have a dance with Henry to do some samba dancing at Christmas time.)
Emma: (singing) Henry at Christmas time
Oh, he loves to dance while the bells they chime
(with Lachy singing.) He merengues and he cha-cha-chas
He dances the dance, he calls it Christmas Star
Lachy: (with Henry scat singing, until he dances.)
Simon: (singing) Henry at Christmas time
He loves to dance while the bells they chime
(with Lachy singing.) He merengues and he cha-cha-chas
He dances the dance, he calls it Christmas Star
Lachy: (with Henry scat singing, until he dances.)
(Instrumental break to the dancers all dressed in their samba outfits & they're having a dance with Henry.)
Lachy: (with Henry scat singing, until he dances.)
Henry: Gurgh! Merry Christmas, everybody! Gurgh!
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: Emma's Yellow Bow. A scene where Emma who has a yellow bow & she loves to dance.)
Simon: (singing) Well, you heard about the yellow bow (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) It's Emma's favourite, don't you know? (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) And people, they do stop and stare (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) There's something special in her hair (bow, bow)
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) She wears the bow throughout the year (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) We're so glad we got her here (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) People travel near and far (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) She wears the bow, and she's a star (bow, bow)
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
Anthony: Here she comes to dance. The girl with the yellow bow. 'Round and 'round she goes. Where she stops, no one knows. We love her, it's Emma. Give her a big clap, everybody.
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
(4 coloured skivvies sliding transition to the song: The Toilet Song. A scene where Felix Paddick & Amelia Sivashanmugam are gonna show you on the way to the restroom for using the toilet.)
Lachy: (singing) Well, you're in the foyer of the ballet show
And you may feel like you need to go
To the toilet with your mum or dad...
Right this way.
Emma: (She gasps.) There are the dancing ushers,
showing you the way to the bathroom, to use the toilet.
Off you go.
Emma & Lachy: (singing) Are you sitting on the toilet?
See what you can do.
Now you're sitting on the toilet.
You can do a wee or a poo.
Emma: Now try it.
Do you feel it coming.
Any luck?
Oh, well done. It's time to flush.
Lachy: (singing) Well done to Felix. He went to the toilet.
He washed his hands and now he's eating popcorn.
Now Amelia's going to the toilet before the show
With Mum.
Emma: Don't forget, if you're at the ballet
and you need to go to the toilet, like Felix or Amelia,
Mum or Dad will take you.
Emma & Lachy: (singing) If you want to go to the toilet,
A good time to go is before the show.
There's a sign to the toilet.
Tell your mum or dad if you want to go...
Emma: (She gasps.) You did it!
You went to the toilet and now it's clean up time.
Now you can press the button and flush the toilet after the count of three.
Are you ready? One, two, three, flush!
And don't forget to wash your hands.
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: Shirley Shawn the Unicorn. A scene where The Wiggles are gonna meet her new Wiggly Friend.)
Lachy: (singing) Oh, Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
In the sun she trots
Everybody loves her,
from grown-ups to tiny tots
Oh, Shirley learnt to talk
from a Danish duchess
Her favourite word indeed was the word...
Shirley: Scrumptious!
Lachy: (singing) Shirley talked about the weather
And her favourite food to eat
Rainbow-coloured veggies
and an apple for a treat
Oh, Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
In the sun she trots
Everybody loves her,
from grown-ups to tiny tots
Wiggles: (singing) Shirley Unicorn
Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Shirley Unicorn
Shirley: Scrumptious!
Wiggles: (singing) The unicorn
Shirley Unicorn
Shirley Shawn the Unicorn
Shirley Unicorn
Shirley: Scrumptious!
Wiggles: (singing) The unicorn.
Shirley: Scrumptious!
(The Wiggles' 30 years yellow disc spinning transition to the song: H.O.L.I.D.A.Y.)
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) We're on a holiday
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) What a holiday
Pack your toys in your favorite backpack
Walking down the old beach track
Take your hat and some food to eat
And dance along to the holiday beat
Simon: (singing) And there's one...
Emma: (singing) I'm gonna walk on the sand with you
Simon: (singing) And there's one...
And there's two...
Emma: (singing) Walking down Park Avenue
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) We're on a holiday
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) What a holiday
On your holiday, what will you do?
You might have fun with your friends too
Go by bus, plane, train or car
Or wish upon a night-time star
Simon: (singing) And there's one...
Emma: (singing) I'm gonna walk through the park with you
Simon: (singing) And there's one...
And there's two...
Emma: (singing) You can play on the seesaw too
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) We're on a holiday
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) What a holiday
Come on, take it to the bass.
Simon: Hmmm, holiday.
Lachy: (singing) On a holiday...
Simon: Hmm!
(singing) And there's one...
Emma: (singing) Holidays are fun to do
Simon: (singing) And there's one...
And there's two...
Emma: (singing) I want to holiday with you
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) We're on a holiday
All: (singing) H.O.L.I.D.A.Y
Emma: (singing) What a holiday
(Instrumental break, song fades out a scene where The Wiggles and their friends except Captain & the other dancers dressed as Emma who dressed up as Madonna. Then, The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the song: Everybody Wiggle Along. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves in their third TV series of Ready, Steady, Wiggle!.)
Emma: Hi, I'm Emma.
Lachy: I'm Lachy.
Simon: I'm Simon.
Anthony: I'm Anthony.
Emma: And we're... (with others.) The Wiggles!
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo
Lachy: (singing) Are you ready?
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're ready.
Lachy: (singing) Are you steady?
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're steady.
Anthony: Everybody, clap your hands!
Lachy: (singing) Let's Wiggle.
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) Let's Wiggle.
(with Lachy singing.) Everybody ready
Everybody steady
Let all Wiggly-woo
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo
(The Wiggles' 30 years blue disc spinning transition to the end credits are rolling. While Hot Potato instrumental track, Do the Propeller!, Rock-A-Bye Your Bear & We're all Fruit Salad! is playing in the background.)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all clapping.)
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're going down and down and down and down
Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where Anthony & Captain Feathersword are helping with their arms to make it propellers & the other scene where Jeff is looking at Anthony that he saw a little drum playing.)
Wiggles: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Simon: (singing) We're down da-da down down da down down down
Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Greg: (singing, while the backing vocals are doing the actions.) Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
(Richie Allan plays a didgeridoo.)
All: (singing) And we're all fruit salad
Yummy, yummy
All in the same bowl
Whose bowl, one bowl, everyone!
James Harkness: (singing) I was dreaming that we're all fruit salad
Lachy: (singing) All the colours of the rainbow and the bowl was the world
James Harkness: (singing) It's not just one fruit that makes a fruit salad
Lachy, Emma & Simon: (singing) it takes all different kinds of fruit to make a perfect bowl
And we're all fruit salad (Fruit Salad)
Yummy, yummy
We're all in the same bowl
All: (singing) Fruit salad, Yummy yummy