"We're Playing A Trick On The Captain" is a Wiggles song from The Adventures Of Captain Feathersword, The Friendly Pirate EP, later appearing on the It's Time to Wake Up Jeff! album and video.
Song Lyrics[]
(Spoken intro):
Ben: Hey, me little mateys. (clicks his tongue) Do you reckon that Captain Feathersword knows about the birthday surprise party we're having for him?
Caterina: No, he still thinks we've forgotten his birthday.
Crew: We're playing a trick on the Captain!
(And now, the song!)
Women (with Clarky lip-syncing): We're playing a trick on the Captain
he thinks we've forgotten his birthday
Men (with the women lip-syncing): We're playing a trick on the Captain,
he thinks we've forgotten his birthday
We're playing a trick on the Captain
we're hiding the streamers away
We're playing a trick on the Captain
he thinks we've forgotten his birthday
We're playing a trick on the Captain
don't give the trick away
(Song ends. The crew waves hello.)
Español (Estamos Jugando Unga Broma Al Capitán)[]
Le estamos jugando un truco al capitán
Piensa que hemos olvidado su día
Estamos jugando un truco al capitán
Piensa que olvidamos su día
Estamos jugando un truco al capitán
Escondimos las serpentinas
Estamos jugando un truco al capitán
Piensa que olvidamos su día
Estamos jugando un truco al capitán
No digas el truco
Song Credits[]
Composed and written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd, previously published by EMI Music.
- The 1993 version of the song plays in F where as the 2006 version plays in E, F and G-flat.
- This is the song only to come right before Have A Happy Birthday Captain and not before any other song, but after one on the CDs, and in the series, the instrumental version of Running Up The Sandhills.
- In Dorothy's Dancing Alphabet, this song refers to itself as "The Mashed Potato Dance".
Video Performances[]
Album Appearances[]
- The Adventures Of Captain Feathersword, The Friendly Pirate
- It's Time to Wake Up Jeff!
- Splish Splash Big Red Boat