"What's the Time, Mr Wolf?" is a song from the Party Time! album and video.
Emma: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's 1 o'clock.
Emma: So, come on, let's take one step. Are you ready? One!
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's 2 o'clock.
Emma: So, come on, let's take two steps. Are you ready? One, two.
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's 3 o'clock.
Emma: So, come on, let's take three steps. Are you ready? One, two, three.
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's 4 o'clock.
Emma: So, come on, let's take four steps. Are you ready? One, two, three, four.
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's 5 o'clock.
Emma: So, come on, let's take five step. Are you ready? One, two, three, four, five.
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
The Pro Wiggly Humans: What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Mr Wolf: It's dinner time!
Song Credits[]
Trad. Arr. Oliver Brian, Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Alex Keller, Simon Pryce, Emma Watkins (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
- Lachlan Gillespie provides the voice of Mr. Wolf.
- On April 27th 2020, the song was uploaded on The Wiggles' YouTube Channel.