
When You're Tired and Feel Sleepy is a song from The Emma! & Lachy! Show album. It's adapted from "Minuet, BWV Anh. 114" by Johann Sebastian Bach.


When you're tired and feel sleepy

Close your eyes and you'll start dreaming

Of stars shooting in the sky

Sparkling as the fly by the moon shining bright

Ohh, ohh, in your bed you'll feel cozy

Snuggling up with your teddy

Your eyes shut so very tight, cozy in your sheets

Sleeping through the night

(Instrumental Break)

Your eyes shut so very tight, cozy in your sheets

Sleeping through the night

Song Credits[]

Trad. Arr. Oliver Brian, Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Alex Keller, Emma Watkins (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
