
"Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar?" is a song from the Wiggle Pop! album and video.



Wiggles: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Emma: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Lachy stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Lachy (spoken): Who, me?

Emma (spoken): Yes, you!

Lachy (spoken): Couldn't be!

Emma (spoken): Then who?

Emma and Lachy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Lachy: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Simo stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Simon (spoken): Who, me?

Lachy (spoken): Yes, you!

Simon (spoken): Couldn't be!

Lachy (spoken): Then who?

Emma, Simon and Lachy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Simon: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Emma stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Emma (spoken): Who, me?

Simon (spoken): Yes, you!

Emma (spoken): Couldn't be!

Simon (spoken): Then who?

Emma, Simon and Lachy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Lachy: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Anto stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Anthony (spoken): Who, me?

Lachy (spoken): Yes, you!

Anthony (spoken): Couldn't be!

Lachy (spoken): Then who?

Wiggles (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Emma: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Dorothy stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Dorothy (spoken): Who, me?

Emma (spoken): Yes, you!

Dorothy (spoken): Couldn't be!

Emma (spoken): Then who?

Wiggles and Dorothy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Simon: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Wagsy stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Wags (spoken): Ruff ruff?

Simon (spoken): Yes, you!

Wags (spoken): Ruff ruff!

Simon (spoken): Well, then who?

Wiggles, Wags and Dorothy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Lachy: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Henry stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Henry (spoken): Who, me?

Lachy (spoken): Yes, you!

Henry (spoken): Couldn't be!

Lachy (spoken): Then who?

Wiggles, Henry, Wags and Dorothy (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Simon: Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Captain stole the cookie from the cookie jar...

Captain (spoken): Who, me?

Simon (spoken): Yes, you!

Captain (spoken): Couldn't be!

Simon (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Captain (spoken): Whoa-ho! Actually, it was me!


Oh, these are the best cookies I've ever had


Wiggle and Learn (2024 YouTube Series)[]

All: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Lachy: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Dorothy took the cookie from the cookie jar

Dorothy (spoken): Who, me?

Lachy (spoken): Yes, you!

Dorothy (spoken): Couldn't be!

Lachy (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Tsehay: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Shirley Shawn took the cookie from the cookie jar

Shirley Shawn (spoken): Scrumptious?

Tsehay (spoken): Yes, you!

Shirley Shawn (spoken): Scrumptious!

Tsehay (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

John: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Wags took the cookie from the cookie jar

Wags (spoken): Ruff ruff?

John (spoken): Yes, you!

Wags (spoken): Ruff ruff!

John (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Lucia: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Bok took the cookie from the cookie jar

Bok: (shakes head)

Lucia (spoken): Yes, you!

Bok: (shakes head)

Lucia (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Simon: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Henry took the cookie from the cookie jar

Henry (spoken): Who, me?

Simon (spoken): Yes, you!

Henry (spoken): Couldn't be!

Simon (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Lachy: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Bubbles the Mermaid took the cookie from the cookie jar

Bubbles (spoken): Who, me?

Lachy (spoken): Yes, you!

Bubbles (spoken): Couldn't be!

Lachy (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Tsehay: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Buddy took the cookie from the cookie jar

Buddy (spoken): Who, me?

Tsehay (spoken): Yes, you!

Buddy (spoken): Couldn't be!

Tsehay (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Someone took the cookie from the cookie jar!

John: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Captain took the cookie from the cookie jar

Captain (spoken): Who, me?

John (spoken): Yes, you!

Captain (spoken): Couldn't be!

John (spoken): Then who?

All (spoken): Captain took the cookie from the cookie jar!

Captain (spoken): Whoa-ho! Actually, it was me!


Oh, these are the best cookies I've ever had


Song Credits[]

Anthony FieldLachlan Gillespie, Simon PryceEmma Watkins, Oliver BrianAlex Keller (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)


Video Appearance[]

Album Appearance[]

Episode Performances[]

Wiggle Time![]

The Wiggles' World[]

Wiggle and Learn (2024 YouTube Series)[]
