Emma Ryan painting The Wiggles logo
"We're The Wiggles. I'm Greg."
"And I'm Anthony and since we're all here why don't we sing some songs together?"
Anthony introducing "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear"
The Non-realistic Wiggles and the audience clapping
The Non-realistic Wiggles and the audience practice singing
The Non-realistic Wiggles and the audience
Murray, Anthony and the audience
Greg doing the sleep motion
Greg trying to figure out who's snoring
Jeff flapping like a bird
"Jeff, are you awake now?"
"1, 2, 3. Wake up, Jeff!""
Jeff flapping like a bird again
A cameraman is seen on the left above of the stage.
Another cameraman is seen on the right above of the stage.
"What's next, Greg, what's next?"
Dorothy and The Awake Wiggles
Greg, Dorothy, Murray and Jeff
The Wiggles, Dorothy and the Dog Catcher
"Now I take it, that's Dorothy the Dinosaur."
Officer Beaples and Murray
Greg, Murray, Officer Beaples and Jeff
Murray, Officer Beaples and Jeff
Dorothy, Greg, Officer Beaples and Murray
The Zookeeper and Anthony
Jeff, the Zookeeper, Greg, Murray, Dorothy and Officer Beaples
The Zookeeper, Greg, Dorothy, Officer Beaples and Murray
Dorothy, the Zookeeper, Officer Beaples, Anthony and Greg
Officer Beaples, Dorothy and the Non-realistic Wiggles
Anthony, Dorothy and Greg
Anthony, Murray and Dorothy
"Would you like to have another dance with Dorothy?"
Dorothy dancing in close-up
Greg and Anthony trying to lift Dorothy up.
The Wiggles trying to lift Dorothy up
The Wiggles and Dorothy taking a deep breath
"Dorothy, will you come back later to have another dance with us?"
"I love to come back and have another dance."
Dorothy leaving the stage
Murray yawning in the background
The Non-realistic Wiggles thinking where the yawning is coming from.
"I'm really tired, everyone."
"Why are you so tired, why?"
"Last night there was a dog barking outside my window."
"Yes, and it kept me awake all night!"
"Murray, was it a brown dog?"
"Yes, Jeff, it was, it's brown."
"Murray, did it have a long red tongue?"
"Murray, was the dog about that tall?"
"Jeff, how did you know? It was about that tall."
"Hey Murray, did it look anything like a dog that is behind you?"
Greg, Wags, Jeff and Murray
"Oh yes, it looked just like that dog
The Wiggles and Wags the Dog
"Hey, everyone, it's Wags the Dog."
"Let's all say "Woof" to Wags."
Male kid in Mickey Mouse shirt
Emma Watkins, her sister Haley and her mum Kathryn in the audience
"Wags, that was great dancing, my friend. That really was."
Jeff playing "Captain Feathersword" on keyboard
Anthony dancing to "Captain Feathersword"
Captain Feathersword on the S.S. Feathersword
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
"Captain, you dropped your feathersword."
"Ahoy there, me heartieeeees."
Captain, Anthony and Jeff
Captain falling down again
"Captain, did you say, "Quack, quack, quack"?"
Anthony, Greg, Captain and Jeff
The Professional Wiggly Humans
"Now we can all quack, quack, quack
"and cock-a-doodle-doo together."
Captain, Anthony, and Greg
"Well, I just don't know."
"Ahoy cock-a-doodley there, oh."
Jeff sleeping in the duck hat