"Yawn Yawn Yawn" is a Wiggles song about going through the day from the Yummy Yummy album. Greg wrote the lyrics to this song.
Yawn, yawn, yawn, the day has just begun
Stretch, stretch, stretch and reach up to the sun
Rub your eyes, it's time to start the day
Eat, eat, eat, then we can go and play
Hop, hop, hop, we'll hop the morning through
Skip, skip, skip, skipping is fun, too
We love to play, we always have such fun
We paint, paint, paint, we build and draw and run
Yawn, yawn, yawn, the day is at an end
Hug, hug, hug, teddy bear's your friend
Go to bed, lay down your head and then
You'll dream, dream, dream till morning comes again
Español (Bostezar Bostezar Bostezar)[]
Bostezar, que el día va a empezar
Estirar, al sol hay que alcanzar
Los ojos talla, el día va a comenzar
A comer, y luego ir a jugar
A saltar, todo el día, hay que saltar
A brincar, pues nos hace gozar
A jugar, siempre en cualquier lugar
Colorear, armar, correr, pintar
Bostezar, que el día va a terminar
Abrazar, tu osito acariciar
Descansar, tu cama disfrutar
A soñar, y el nuevo día esperar
Song Credits[]
Written by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd, previously published by EMI Music.